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Plan Write® for Hi-Tech Marketing


Plan AND Execute Your Strategy!
    Everything you need to market your hi-tech product.

A Customized Tool for a Hi-Tech World
Marketing a hi-tech product requires attention to issues not found in other products or services. Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing has been customized to integrate all of the tools you will need to successfully plan and execute your marketing strategy.

Plan Your Marketing
Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing is based on the structure and technology behind Plan Write for Marketing PLUS selected strategy components found in our other expert system products. All of this makes for a great foundation to your hi-tech marketing plan.

Plan AND Execute Your Marketing
Successful high tech companies don't just need to plan; they need to execute. To make sure you achieve your goals, Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing has integrated the complete electronic version of The Product Marketing Handbook for High Tech Marketing.

Plan, Execute, AND Collaborate
Great plans and execution often require great teamwork. Collaborate with your marketing team by combining the value of Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing with our PlanWriteCentral.com service to develop a complete marketing plan in less time.

Plan, Execute, Collaborate, AND Stay Up-to-Date
High technology is a fast moving environment and you need to keep up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in marketing and sales. We've got you covered. When you purchase and install Plan Write for High Tech Marketing, the Product Marketing Handbook for High Tech Marketing goes live and automatically receives new updates when you connect to the Internet.

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Georgetown, Texas 78628

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